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Screenplay Cover Image for Fluffy>
Category: Short
Logline: A group of young women faces certain death when a campfire story about a demonic stray dog becomes a reality.
Screenplay Cover Image for Fluffy>
Category: Short
Logline: A group of young women faces certain death when a campfire story about a demonic stray dog becomes a reality.
Screenplay Cover Image for Fluffy>
Category: Short
Logline: A group of young women faces certain death when a campfire story about a demonic stray dog becomes a reality.
Screenplay Cover Image for Fluffy>
Category: Short
Logline: A group of young women faces certain death when a campfire story about a demonic stray dog becomes a reality.
Screenplay Cover Image for Fluffy>
Category: Short
Logline: A group of young women faces certain death when a campfire story about a demonic stray dog becomes a reality.
Screenplay Cover Image for Camp Carnage>
Category: Feature
Logline: A teenage girl seeking closure after the loss of her sister falls for the notorious killer from her childhood summer camp.